Situated in the heart of Downtown, the historical Hartley Building resides in Lee’s Summit’s nationally accredited Main Street District. Home to several restaurant and retail users, and topped by second floor office space, the Hartley Building is an ideal location for local business owners in the surrounding community. In the last decade, Lee’s Summit has become one of Kansas City’s fastest growing communities with a 10.6% population increase.
Since 2009, the revitalization efforts of Downtown Lee’s Summit have spurred drastic growth in the form of new businesses, jobs, and investors; the district has seen $14.5+M invested back into the community by its local business owners. With a goal of promoting and strengthening the downtown core while preserving its historic character, overwhelming support from local government, community organizations, property investors, business owners, and residents has been instrumental in guiding the initiative.
Acquired in 2020, the Hartley Building is home to Llywelyn’s Pub, Poppy’s Ice Cream, and the Razzle Bee Boutique.